The Future of Paper: Should society go paperless?
Paper has revolutionized the way people transferred ideas and thought for thousands of years. Historically, the function of paper has driven the development of civilization throughout the world since it allows humans to record and transfer their knowledge from one generation to the next. After the invention of paper by Cai Lun, 105 C.E, the Chinese grew strong in almost all fields. They were able to document history, architecture, art and Confucius’ teaching. Further, paper spread to the Middle East and was used to document the Qur’an. In the Qur’an Muslims are obliged to seek and share knowledge and this has enabled them to reach their peak of civilization. Later, Muslims scientists and writers used paper to spread mathematics, medicines, engineering, agriculture and literature to the west and the east (Mintenbuler, 2016). Now paper remains controversial since the idea of becoming paperless society is getting more popular due to worldwide digitalization. Therefore, this paper would li...