
Showing posts from June, 2015

5 Best Camping Spots in Lombok

When I was in primary, I joined scout girl. This club gave my first camping experience. It tested my wings as a young student. It has built up my curiosity toward nature to listen, to love and to enjoy it. Here are five best spots that you can camp at in Lombok. 1. Rinjani National Park Along the trek, Rinjani provides various ranges of spot from the alley to hill top or by the lake to waterfall front area.                                                    2. Pergasingan Hilltop If you want to enjoy Rinjani from different view, Pergasingan is one of the best choices. Every week this place is always filled by visitors. Its height reaches 1700 meters above sea level. Night sky with thousands stars up Rinjani will accompany yo...

Menjelajahi Taman Wisata Alam Kerandangan

Jln. Raya Senggigi, Desa Kerandangan, Lombok Barat Trekking merupakan aktivitas yang menjadi ciri khas utama Taman Wisata Kerandangan. Pesona hutan tropis sepanjang jalan, hewan-hewan yang hidup liar dan aliran dua air terjun memberikan gambaran keanekaragaman hayati dan nabati yang dimiliki Indonesia.Trekking di Taman Wisata Kerandangan? Pertama kali mendengarnya membuat saya senang bukan main. Pertama karena ini akan menjadi pengalaman pertama saya menjelajahi Taman Wisata Tersebut dan kedua tempat ini tidak jauh dari tempat tinggal saya.  Pagi itu langit biru bersih. Di sepanjang jalan saya hanya terdiam menyaksikan birunya pantai di sepanjang laut barat Lombok. Semakin lambat Ade Nilam mengendarai motor, Lombok terasa semakin indah.   Dalam waktu yang singkat kami telah berada di area gapura yang bertuliskan “Selamat Datang di Taman Wisata Alam Kerandangan”. Taman seluas 320 Ha ini sangat mudah dicapai. Dari Pasar Kebon Roek Ampenan hanya memerlukan 15...

Waiting for Sacred Sunset in Kaprusan Temple

If you came to Lombok you will not only be able to experience Lombok life but at the same time you will also taste the twist of Bali. Lombok was colonized by Balinese Kingdom in the past. As a result, Lombok hosts about 10% of Hindus and about 90% of Muslims. The twist of Bali in Lombok is clearly portrayed by some tradition, temples and or some historical sites.  In the northern part of Senggigi hides unfamous little temple called Kaprusan. This 200 m2 temple stands firmly on the black rocks under some big trees. This temple was built in the 7 th century by Danghyang Dwi Jendra—the one who introduced Hindus teaching in Lombok for the first time. For Danghyang Dwi Jendra Kaprusan is the second point where his boat anchored. He sailed from Bali to Malimbu then to Kaprusan which was in the past known as Tanjung Bukur. He continued his journey to Batu Bolong, Batu Layar and traveled to the heart of Lombok. Parting from its function as a sacred place, Kaprusan is al...

10 Organizations in Lombok that You Can Join for Traveling

Some people mostly think travelling is costly especially if your destination is far faraway place. It is even worse if you do solo travelling and only have travel guide in your hand. Well if you come to Lombok with no body or even you have no clue at all. You need travel mate to share travel cost and to make right decision, no worries! There is easy way out to solve it, namely by contacting these organizations. You don’t need to pay any membership and you don’t need to be a member. Even if you don’t have any transportation you might also can get free ride. 1. EduLand EduLand is a social organization that mainly focuses on Education. It introduces project called Backpacking library. This program allows volunteers to visit remotes tiny islands around Lombok to share the stories in the book inside their backpack. Previous project was conducted in Maringkik Island—untouched paradise. To contact this organization please check the following address