Gili Tanjung Kubur

When you see Tanjung Kubur Island from across, you will imagine your self having adventurous day in the middle of green bush or perhaps you will go back straight away when you step your feet on this island. 

In Lombok, Gili is indeed mostly known as beautiful tiny island where people can go sightseeing. However, this is not working at Gili Tanjung Kubur. Behind its beauty, it keeps many dead bodies. Tanjung Kubur is a grave yard where the ancestors of Teluk Waru village lie in. As its “Tanjung” means jutted land and “kubur” means grave yard. There are no people who stay in this island. I was piled my courage up to go in. the beach width looked narrow because it's covered by bush. I had to walk carefully on to the grave. It was hiding behind the green bush. As I got some picture, I went back to the boat. I did realized that dead body cannot do anything but I was still afraid. bad.

Tanjung Kubur is located in Labuan Tereng, Sekotong Timur. It is only 45 minutes from Mataram. To get there you need to follow Mataram-Cakra-Labu Api-Sekotong-Timur route. From the shore, Tanjung Kubur only takes less than 10 minutes swims.


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