Esai AAS: Kamu Melamar Apa atau Siapa?
Saya temukan kata “lamar” dalam
Bahasa Indonesia digunakan hanya untuk mendapatkan hal terpenting dalam hidup
manusia, yaitu kami (perempuan), pekerjaan dan beasiswa. Proses melamar ketiganya
adalah jalan yang bisa membawa pelamarnya menjadi versi terbaik dirinya.
Misalnya, saat melamar beasiswa, pelamar diwajibkan untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyan
tentang dirinya, rencana masa depannya dan hal-hal yang telah dan akan ia
berikan kepada lingkungan sekitarnya dalam bentuk esai. Saat menulis esai-esai
ini, mereka belajar mengenal diri mereka sendiri dengan merenungkan fokus dan sejauh mana
mereka telah melangkah. Tidak jarang, pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut menjawab siapa orang yang akan kita paling rindukan.
Tahun 2019, saya mendapatkan beasiswa
Australia Awards Scholarship (AAS) untuk melanjutkan kuliah ke Australia. Dalam
prores melamar beasiswa ini, saya, pelamar harus mengisi empat esai utama terkait
dengan universitas dan jurusan yang diambil, manfaat bagi karir ke depan, kontribusi
terhadap leingkungan sekitar dan kemungkinan tantangan yang dihadapi apabila sekolah
di Australia. Jumlah kata atau karakter yang diminta bervariasi. Esai pertama pelamar
harus menulis sekitar 2.000 karakter atau sekitar 350-450 kata. Sedangkan, esai
kedua, ketiga dan keempat terdiri dari 1.000 karater. Berikut adalah esai-esai yang
saya tulis dalam formulir aplikasi AAS 2019.
Why did you choose your proposed
course and institution?
Focus of area that I would like to take as my first option is art and
social science since it allows me to explore and develop my skills within
double majors. This double major consists of translation and teaching. In
Australia, this coursework combined program is only provided by University of
New South Wales. Considering my work experience, my second option goes to
translation and interpreting in Monash University or in Australia National
University. I started my career as a translator and Bahasa Indonesia teacher
for speaker of other languages (BISOL) teacher at Lombok Training Center and as
a travel writer for Intisari, Gramedia. Due to land clashes, Lombok Training
Center moved to Papua and Intisari ended its printed travel magazine. Then I
decided to work at one of international schools as a BISOL teacher for Primary
and High School. I was teaching here for four years. Along with my teaching
career, I actively write, translate and interpret. For these past six years I
have assisted researchers for translating and interpreting various subjects
such as on stateless children, parents and migration with Asia Pacific
Initiative, on female genital mutilation with Global Islamic Relief, with a
producer on Samalas Volcano, with University of Iowa on Psycholinguistics and
side projects on Folklore, indigenous forest and customary law. In 2017 I
comeback teaching English for Specific Purposes and Global Study for middle
year in Lombok Learning Village, however in the same year, I also worked for
research on buyer behavior with UNIMORE, as translator and interpreter. In
August 2018 till January 2019 I have translated and interpreted for Rebuild
Nipah, an international NGO under American Take Action. Currently, I work as
translator and interpreter for Investigatory Unit Regional Police of NTB on
drugs smuggling and bribery. These pack of experiences have convinced me to
pursue my degree on translation, interpreting and teaching.
How will the proposed study for
your career?
In the short run, I hope to have opportunity to improving and
sharpening my personal skills and ability in the fields of translation,
interpreting and teaching. Then, my options will comeback translating,
interpreting and teaching, as well as continuing my personal projects i.e.
writing book and be a columnist. In the future, I see myself as a specialist in
these fields, developing professional and outstretch programs, becoming sworn
translator and sworn interpreter, building official translation and
institution, teaching and simultaneously I would like to be a researcher in the
higher level of education. To work on these dreams, it requires me to learn in
depth about translation, teaching and interpreting. Therefore, I need to
sharpen each element of language skill, to train my independence and to build
up positive characters within myself. By getting involved in two years program
abroad definitely will strengthen my self-discipline, communication skills and
my critical thinking which lead me to my professional and personal goals.
Through my interpreting, teaching ideas, my translation and my writings that I
have shared and would love to share, I put massive expectation both in the
short term and or long term that they would and will benefit my country, my
island, my family and myself.
How have you contributed to
solving a challenge and to implementing change or reform? (Be specific and
include: what aspect/s of your leadership knowledge, skills and practice,
skills and practice you consider to be well established and effective; which
people or organization you worked with to solve the problem; and what creative
methods are used.)
As an interpreter in various work setting, conflicts and
misunderstanding often happen between two parties. In this part, I play
significant role in assisting them to understand to reach an agreement. Interpreting
an investigation between an investigator and a claimant is challenging,
especially when I meet a claimant who is charged for smuggling many kilograms
of drugs and previously has criminal record. During interrogating and
investigating, the investigator tends to be extremely stern and firm, meanwhile
a claimant often in denial of answering or in signing a document. My feminine
tone and my patience often change the atmosphere and make the process smoothly
run. I believe being a woman is a privilege! As an educator in addressing
literacy issues in the West Nusa Tengggara, my six friends and I co-founded
EduLand in 2014. As an advisor, in this organization, there are some programs
that we initiate. Those are mobile library, charity shops and educational event
organizer. Mobile library is a nomad program, run in the various remote and
sub-urban areas around Lombok such as in Gili Maringkik, Semerang, Gerupuk Bay,
Ampenan, Kekeri and etc. The next program called charity shop, once the
organization run out of fund, the volunteers gather second hand stuff and sell
them out. Another program is being educational event organizer. This program is
provided for schools. EduLand has organized English Camp in SDN 1 Beleke, Youth
Day at SMKN 1 Sekotong and book days in some villages around West Lombok.
During Lombok recovery, EduLand has conducted one day program in various
earthquake victim camps for trauma healing. Through my writings that Have been
published in various online media, I actively build up digital literacy by
spreading awareness on diversity, peace and the importance of democracy,
radicalism, environmental awareness, travel wisdom and how to use social media
Please: a) give up to three
practical examples of how you intend to use the knowledge, skills and
connections you will gain from your scholarship. Possible tasks b) list any
possible constrains you think may prevent you from achieving these tasks.
Studying and living overseas will help me to build up stronger personality
and academic maturity as a student. After completing this long-term program, I
believe knowledge, skills and connection that I will gain can benefit me, my
organization and ay organizations and institution that I cooperate with. Since
the courses that I will take address translation, interpreting and education’s
potential in driving better communication, mutual understanding and modern
teaching practices, it is in line with projects and works that I have been
doing and running in my everyday life. I also dream of having my translation
and interpreting team that can work for various international conferences on
Lombok and Sumbawa. Further, experiential learning and certification will connect
me with interpreter and translation community, clients and National
Accreditation Authority for Translation and Interpreting (NAATI). These chances
will open up wider networking that can lead to future collaboration in which their
projects and work ethics can become my role models. In achieving this dream,
homesick will be my first constraint since two years away from home is not a
short time. To cope with this potential, I would like to get involved with
various communities, travel and do volunteering work at university to overcome
this constraint Parting from that challenges both academic and non-academic
life, living overseas within modern or post-modern culture, landscape and diversities
will broaden my perspectives in looking upon the world.
Tahun ini, aplikasi Australia
Awards Scholarship (AAS) diperpanjang sampai 30 Juni 2020 untuk memberikan waktu
persiapan yang lebih panjang di tengah pandemi Covid-19 yang sedang menghantam.
Untuk yang sedang mempersiapkan lamarannya, semoga beruntung dan semoga esai
ini bisa membantu.
Makasih banyak kak Zii💜
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure Halimah :) all the best!!!
DeleteTerimakasih kak zi
DeleteThank you sist...
DeleteThank you Kak...
ReplyDeleteSama-sama Laili, all the best!!
DeleteEnak ya bisa review kaloq udah lulus hehehe. Essay anda bagusss sekali ❤❤❤
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih Asmak!!
DeleteMasyaAllah,,, bagus sekali essay nya... terimakasih untuk sharing ...
ReplyDeleteSama-sama Mega, all the best untuk aplikasinya ya!!
DeleteCongrat ya, kak. Semoga betah di sana. Btw, ini artikel informatif bangett. Thank you yaa :) ♥️
ReplyDeleteSemoga lulus ELTA Fadil!!
DeleteKeren, hebattt!!!
ReplyDeleteOcean thanks Akil, sukses untuk sekolahnya!!!
DeleteIONQQ menyediakan permainan poker, domino99, bandarq, bandarpoker,aduq,sakong,perang bacarat dan capsa :D
ReplyDeleteayo ditunggu apa lagi
WA : +855 1537 3217
Mb, bolehkah saya minta alamat email? Saya ingin meminta bantuan untuk saran essay saya. makasih mb
ReplyDeleteHi Anisa, all the best for your application, maaf ya, aku baru buka email blog and baru aja baca komen.
DeleteWowwwww, keren esainya. Kayak fulbrighter!
ReplyDeleteMakasiiiii.... hug
DeleteHi mba, bagus sekali essainya. Terima kasih sudah berbagi. Oia untuk art and social science ini masuknya ke fokus area pengembangan apa ya mba? education and training kah? terima kasih.
ReplyDeleteMaaf baru baca komen ini Nina, all the best untuk aplikasinya ya, moga lolos. Amin!
Deletethank you
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure!!!
ReplyDeleteBermanfaat sekali!!
ReplyDeleteEsei yang sangat bagus untuk jadi inspirasi.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much kak! It helps me a lot.
ReplyDeleteYou are most welcome!!!
ReplyDeleteWishing you all the best for your application!!
DeleteIt's so useful for me. Massive thanks Kak Zie!
ReplyDeleteSemangatttttt.... ditunggu di Macquarie University :)
DeleteHalo kak, tulisannya sangat membantu.
ReplyDeleteKak boleh minta tolong bantu review tulisan aku gak ya? kebetulan aku mau coba daftar tahun ini.
Terima kasih.
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, semoga Allah memberkahi. haturnuhun sudah berbagi essay nya.
ReplyDeleteSemoga lulus AAS tahun ini. Aamiin
Luar biasa dan bikin saya kaget kok bidang dan pengalaman mirip dg saya, dan terimakasih saya mendapat pencerahan dari essay ini Juga informasi bahwa ada jurusan translation and teaching yg selama ini saya cari.😇👍
ReplyDeleteThank you Ms.Zi, it means a lot