Anatomi Essay Penerima Beasiswa CCIP
Beasiswa CCIP atau Community College
Initiative program adalah beasiswa global yang diberikan oleh Pemerintah
Amerika. Program beasiswa ini didanai oleh Kementrian Luar Negeri Amerika
Serikat. Sebagai penerima beasiswa CCIP tahun ini saya ingin berbagi anatomi
essay yang biasanya harus ditulis ketika mengajukan beasiswa CCIP. Mengenali
dengan baik program beasiswa yang akan diikuti
sebelum menulis essay adalah hal wajib yang harus dilakukan bagi scholarship seeker. Calon penerima
beasiswa CCIP biasanya harus menulis 6 essay yang berkisar antara 150 sampai 800
kata. Essay tersebut meliputi masalah personal, pengetahuan tentang Indonesia
dan negara tujuan, jurusan yang akan diambil dan hal-hal yang ingin dipelajari
secara mendalam di Amerika.
Essay pertama
erat dengan bidang atau jurusan yang akan diambil. Perlu diingat bahwa beasiswa
CCIP bersifat tidak linear misalnya Jika
mengambil jurusan Keguruan dan Pendidikan pada saat kuliah dulu dan mengambil
jurusan lain untuk program beasiswa ini. Walaupun demikian Kesesuaian antara
pengalaman, kegiatan sosial dan pengalaman-pengalaman formal maupun non formal
sangat penting. Tanggung jawab professional, kemimpinan dan
pengalaman-pengalaman menarik lainnya harus disampaikan dengan sederhana dan
apa adanya. Sinkronisasi dan koheren dari hal-hal tersebut adalah poin utama
yang harus diperhatikan.
Essay #1: Within your proposed field of study, please
describe your specific area of interest and your related experience. How would this program relate to, and build
on, your past education, training, and/or experience?
Focus of area that I would like to take is journalism. Since I was young, I am very fond of books. I
have traveled a lot in the books and map. Starting from a reading lover I
become a writer for myself. Later on, I found out and realized that a huge
number of resources are mostly in English. It made me take a deep breath and
convince myself to focus on languages first. Then at university, I studied
language and art. This field of study has led me to become a confident and
communicative English speaker and writer. It has opened my eyes and inspired me
to be more aware about what is going on in my place, my country and my world.
At university, I started my career as a private translater. Mostly I translated
tourism brochures and document. Working a lot with various brochures and
documents has assisted me to get closer with my surroundings. Indentifying and
finding the richness of Lombok and Indonesia. In 2010, these skills, knowledge
and character have taken me become one of Indonesian representatives for
Australia Indonesia Youth Exchange Program. During this program, each
participant was obliged to write a weekly newsletter, to perform Indonesian
music and art, to do an internship and community development etc. After
completing this program, I start my own publication through my personal
blog—Ziadah’s journal. I always spare my time to write among the tight teaching
schedule at Nusa Alam—an International School that applies Cambridge
Curriculum. It is very surprising, this blog has been seen by more than 10,000 thousand
people around the world. The readers mostly from Indonesia, United State,
Latvia, Australia, Malaysia, India, Russia, France and Germany, and a few
months ago, a Japanese researcher emailed me. He would do his research in
Lombok about Sasak Buddhist—the Lombok tribe—and used my blog as reference to
conduct his surveys. I was stunned and came with the idea that I had to create
a professional media. As a result, I started my own project in August by
collecting and editing some pieces of my writing. On 1st October my
online magazine Lombok is officially launched.
A long those things that I have been working
on I also get involved in various youth programs such as International Youth
Camp Asean+6 2011, Indonesia Youth Camp 2012,
Conference of Youth Exchange Program Alumni 2013 and Youth Interfaith
As Community College Initiative program
focused on the academic, vocational and cultural studies that requires its
participants to have broad knowledge and interest in specific field of studies
and also requires its participants to be able to promote their own culture
through communicative ways that is eventually expected to firmly build mutual
understandings, these goals are pertained with mine and my background. In addition I put great expectation that by
sharing Indonesia and Lombok through my writings and my photographs in
particular to the world through various social medias will benefit me and
people in my country. Therefore I believe Community College Initiative program
will provide my needs as its goals and mine are in agreement.
Pada essay
kedua kandidat menjelaskan seraca rinci rencana jangka pendek dan jangka
panjang terkait dengan tujuan personal dan profesional. Jelaskan pula rencana
apa yang akan dilakukan dalam kurun waktu 5-10 setelah kembali dari Amerika dan
menghubungkannya dengan keterampilan dan pengetahuan yang bisa didapatkan
dengan mengikuti CCIP.
Essay #2:Please describe
your future professional and personal goals.
How would this program help you to achieve these goals?
Since I have wide range of interest, I have
not decided yet what career path that I have to take in the future. In the
short run, I hope to have opportunity to improving and sharpening my personal
skills and ability in the field of journalism abroad. Then, my options will be
working with non-profit organization, entering social media and publishing
world, and continuing my personal project. To work on these options, it
requires me to sharpen each element of language skills, to train my
independence and to build up positive characters within myself. By getting
involved in one year program abroad definitely will strengthen myself
discipline, languages, communicative skills and my critical thinking which lead
me to my professional and personal goals.
Through my writings, photographs and the high will to share, I put a massive
expectation that what I am doing and I will be doing in the short term and long
term would benefit my country, my island, my family and myself.
menulis essay ketiga diharuskan untuk menulis pengalaman menantang dan berbagai
rintangan yang pernah dialami baik itu berkaitan dengan masalah pribadi,
sekolah, kampus atau pekerjaan. Dalam menulis essay ini kandidat tidak harus
memiliki cerita yang sangat luar biasa. Kejujuran sangat diutamakan. Ketika
menulis bagian ini dan kembali membacanya, kandidat bisa merasakan semangat dan
perjuangan yang telah membangunnya untuk menjadi seseorang yang lebih baik.
#3:Please describe a problem or
challenging situation in your educational, professional, or personal life and
describe how you resolved it.
darkest point in my life is when my late father had to face bankruptcy of his business.
He lost his job and he had to go to another country to work as a driver. My family had to struggle a lot. My mom was
working very hard to help my dad to fulfill family needs. It was getting worse
and was worsened by a civil disturbance that happened in Lombok. A day before
the riot between Christians and Muslims in Lombok in 2001, our Christian
neighbor came to our house to ask for help to put his car in our garage before
he fled. My mom agreed to help them. The next day, it was a disaster for my
family, some random people came to my house wanted to burn it down. I saw how
strong my mom was to protect me and my siblings without my dad in her side. The
following year, we received news that my father passed away in the car
accident. It was very hard blow for my family. However, those things were a
turning point of my life. It has thought me a lot about hard work, brave,
tolerance, peace and independent as a woman.
These series of events were giving me a force to positively act upon
them and up on my life.
pada essay keempat kandidat perlu menekankan perannya dalam masyarakat setelah
mengikuti program beasiswa dan memaparkan keterampilan dan pengembangan
personal maupun professional yang bisa dicapai dengan mengikuti program ini.
Ceritakan mengapa program ini cocok untuk kandidat dan kaitannya dengan daerah,
propinsi atau Indonesia pada umumnya.
Essay #4: If you participate
in this program, how do you think your contributions to your community will be
different in five years?
Through this non-degree program of academic, vocational, and
cultural studies, the improvement and the development of my skills related to
the focus area and also personal experience that I will have experience would
shape my characters and ability which will lead me to gain more achievement in
the next five years. In five years, I believe I will have my online magazine
printed and it will have read by more than hundred thousand people around the
world that will help my island and my country in general in promoting its culture,
history and tourism.
Dalam menuliskan essay kelima kandidat diharapakan untuk memiliki pengetahuan tentang negaranya sendiri dan negara tujuan. Jika belum mengetahui dengan pasti sebaiknya melakukan internet research tentang negara tujuan atau bertanya kepada alumni atau teman yang pernah mendapatkan beasiswa di negara tujuan, misalnya tentang budaya pendidikan dan Community College di US, budaya kerja, kehidupan sosial di sana dan berbagai hal menarik lainnya. Pengetahuan tersebut akan membantu kandidat untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang jelas tentang hal apa yang ingin dipelajari secara mendalam. Kandidat bisa memulai essay dengan memaparkan bagaimana pendidikan, kehidupan akademik atau budaya kerja di US berbeda dengan negara-negara lainnya. Memaparkan bagaimana kehiduapan akademik dan budaya pendidikan dengan jurusan yang akan diambil juga merupakan nilai tambah utama. Terkait dengan pengetahuan tentang Indonesia, akan lebih baik lagi jika kandidat bisa memiliki keterampilan seperti memasak makanan-makanan khas Indonesia, menari dan memiliki pengetahuan umum tentang sejarah, budaya dan kearifan lokal dan nasional. Selain terkait masalah konten, essay haruslah ditulis dengan bahasa yang baik dan benar. Untuk penulisan essay yang mencapai 800 kata sebaiknya mengikuti kerangka essay yang biasanya terdiri dari introduction yang mencakup thesis statement, kemudian memetakannyke dalam beberapa paragraph dan mendukung setiap thesis statement dengan kalimat-kalimat pendukung yang lebih spesifik. Pada paragraph akhir atau bagian kesimpulan tambahan harapan dan keyakinan untuk mengikuti program beasiswa secara singkat.
Essay #5:
part of U.S. culture are you eager to experience? Why?
What would you like to share about your country and its culture with the
people you meet who may have limited knowledge about it?
As one of the most sophisticated countries in the world, USA is a
representative country that could give comprehensive picture of western
culture. If I have a golden opportunity to involve in Community College
Initiative Program, I would love to experience the following list of
experience. Those are college atmosphere, work experience, American family, the
sense of native English and travel.
Being a collage foreign student in USA is a great opportunity to
experience American school life and school system with its qualified standard
since USA is also known as one of the best education providers in the world.
Being a part of school community will enhancing and deepening theories,
knowledge and provide social activities. Meeting new teachers, new classmates in
collage community will help me to exchange some information and idea that are
not only related to school life.
Besides experiencing an academic life, it will be beneficial to do an
internship or a visit to a particular work place in order to feel the ambience
of American work culture. As stated in various books of cross cultural
understanding, American work etiquette is discipline and professional.
Furthermore, they provides a great number of companies to do an internship.
Therefore, direct experience in work place would strengthen my work pattern and
Studying in USA would not be perfect without directly being a member of
American family life. Through experiencing real life of American family and
witnessing how the family member interacts would make me able to deeply
comprehend their thinking, ideas and their attitude upon issues and choices.
Furthermore, the exposure of English environment at school, work place and in
the family would make me able to obtain the sense of English in its native country.
As a lot of advantages that I would gain by getting involved in this program, I
am also really eager to travel to USA since it is a country that I have not
visited yet.
Parting from the list that I would like to learn above, at the same time
I would also like to share my own Art and culture with American citizens. This
art and culture covers daily life, wedding, fashion, celebration, beautiful
places, work habit, stereotype, learning etiquette, languages, indigenous
people who live in Indonesia, belief and etc.
This knowledge would be shared through various activities e.g cultural
performances, discussion and natural interaction.
I believe this one year program would allow me to witnesses the various
aspects of American life and allow me to share the diversity of Indonesia as
well as to get Lombok more globalized.
Pada essay terakhir kandidat
diharuskan untuk memaparkan hambatan dan tantangan yang berarti ketika
menjalankan program beasiswa di negara tujuan. Hambatan dan tantangan setiap orang bisa jadi
berbeda-beda mulai dari masalah makanan, homesick, cuaca, budaya dan sebagainya.
Saat menjelaskan cara untuk menghadapi tantangan tersebut sebaiknya diceritakan
dengan detail.
Essay #6:
do you think will be most difficult about being away from your home for a
year? What steps will you take to
overcome these difficulties?
I have been away from home for
about four months before. I was fine and I did not find any serious
difficulties. Consider the CCIP runs for a year; I think I will get homesick especially
in Hari Raya such Idul Fitri and Idul Adha. To overcome this problem I think I
would simply chat via face book or make video call with my family. Another
thing that I would do on that day I would try to find Muslim community in the
college and join with them for the celebration.
Tahap terakhir dari
menulis essay adalah koreksi. Sebaiknya koreksilah essay setelah sehari atau
dua hari penulisan untuk lebih memudahkan proses pengeditan. Selamat menulis!
semoga kamu menjadi penerima beasiswa CCIP selanjutnya. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai beasiswa CCIP silahkan kujungi
Wah insightful sekali! Big appreciation for your generosity as you have wanted to displayed components of your essays here so that everyone can see and learn.
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure sweetheart :)
ReplyDeleteBoom! This article open my mind. Thank you, kak zi.
ReplyDeleteYou are most welcome :)
DeleteKak, untuk apply CCIP apa harus punya pengalaman kerja? Saya juga baca katanya min. satu tahun pengalaman kerja di bidang yang relevan.
ReplyDeleteSaya lulusan tahun ini dan sangat berminat untuk apply CCIP. Dan saya cuma part-timer. Apakah masih berpeluang?
Mohon bantuannya :)
Shella Mela, ngak apa-apa, Shella coba aja, kalaupun ngak dapet tahun ini bisa coba tahun depan lagi. Banyak anak2 CCIP yang coba lebih dari satu atau dua kali baru keterima.All the best Shella Mela. Dreamer is the richest person in the world and you have that dream :)
ReplyDeleteHalo salam kenal Ka Ziadah.. saya Aulia, bagaimana kabarnya?
ReplyDeleteinsya Allah saya mau ikut ccip thn ini, blog kaka ini sangat membantu saya dalam penulisan essay, terimakasih banyak :)
Kalau ka ziadah ngga keberatan & ada waktu, saya mau minta pendapat tntg essay yg saya buat.. trmksh
Halo salam kenal Ka Ziadah.. saya Aulia, bagaimana kabarnya?
ReplyDeleteinsya Allah saya mau ikut ccip thn ini, blog kaka ini sangat membantu saya dalam penulisan essay, terimakasih banyak :)
Kalau ka ziadah ngga keberatan & ada waktu, saya mau minta pendapat tntg essay yg saya buat.. trmksh
Hallo Aulia, salam kenal, I am glad to read a comment from such enthusiast learner like you, add aku di facebook ya; Ziadah Ziad, inbox juga ya, kita bisa chatt lebih banyak tentang CCIP. Terima kasih udah luangin waktu untuk baca blogku.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting ! One unanswered question - say in 5 years - where do you want to be, what do you want to be doing ?
ReplyDeleteHi Jim, I am shy and less confindece when native speaker reads my English writing. :) Thanks for the evaluation.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that u posted it,,, I enjoyed reading it zie...I did not want to sleep before I finish it,,, lol. N I didn't know you went through such a hard time, it blowed my mind, I'm a bad friend zie,, you definitely deserve to be where u are now zie,, wish all the best in every single step u take, god bless u n family,,,,
ReplyDeleteLol, thanks a lot, Sophi.
DeleteSalam kenal ka Ziadah Ziad...terima kasih ka blognya semoga bisa membantu saya dalam pembelajaran pembuatan essay...mohon bimbingannya .. :-)
ReplyDeleteSalam Kenal Lisa, All the best. Thanks for sparing your minutes to read my writing.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBagus sekaliii bahasa inggrisnya (>_<)
ReplyDeletePemaparannya sempurna, penjelasannya bersahabat untuk dicerna, runtutannya baguss..
Trimakasih sudah share ya mbak
Turut berduka juga atas ayahnya :(
Aku yakin mbak akan sukses di masa mendatang
I believe, your brave heart will lead you to a great future
Smangat yah, tetap berjuang!
Semoga sukses selalu (~_~)
Ocean thanks Bunga, udah mau meluangkan waktu untuk baca tulisan saya. Your dreams will take you everywhere, I wish you All the best.
ReplyDeleteVery well written. Sangat menginspirasi mbak. *Jarang-jarang lhoh ada yang ngeposting contoh essay... :)
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih Sutoro. Sukses selalu
Deletesalam kenal kak ziadah...tulisan nya inspiratif banget dan mudah di cerna..thanks kakak udah mau berbagi pengalamannya. kenalin kak aku vika lulusan d3 keperawatan,pengalaman kerja mei 2016 ntar baru 1 tahun dan sekarang kerja nya masih di rs sbg perawat pelaksana.
ReplyDeletebarusan searching ttg CCIP eh malah ketemu blog alumni...jd tambah excited banget, kebetulan beberapa minggu yang lalu (21-02-2016) aku ikut educationfair AMINEF di ritz carlton dan disana nanya2 d stand fullbright ny n baru tau trnyta ada beasiswa CCIP ini kak, kemarin pas nanya sama kakak2 nya kalo buat nursing ada gak, kata dia udah nggak ada lagi,udah di hapus karena kurang peminat nya tapi katanya ada coba ambil di program yang tersedia kayak business management mungkin nantinya bisa ngatur manajemen /administrasi rs nya kata nya gitu kak.
Yang aku mau tanya kak,apa aku eligible buat apply kalo jurusan d3 dan profesi pekerjaan ku sekarang tetap sejalan ?soalnya baca coment sebelumnya kata nya “ CCIP emang didesain untuk pekerja yang punya background bereda dengan kuliahnya.”??
What should I do kak???haruskah pupus harapan ku??kemarin udah seneng banget padahal kalo ada buat yg non-degree gini :’)
Salam kenal Evrika, sebelumnya terima kasih udah baca blogku. Aku belum alumni, masih ngejalanin program :). Maaf Ervika, seperti yang Evrika tahu program ini memang didesain untuk pekerja yang punya background berbeda dengan jurusan yang diambil pada saat kuliah. Saranku lanjut S1, setelah itu ikut beasiswa Fullbright bisa ambil public health dan sebagainya. All the best Ervika.
DeleteSangat mengispirasi kak.
ReplyDeletesaya mau tanya kak, apakah program ccip itu diadakan tiap tahunnya? atau 2 tahun sekali mohon jawabannya kak. Terimakasih :)
Ya program ini setiap tahun, biasanya buka october atau november, silahkan cek web Aminef dan follow aja di facebook.
ReplyDeleteAmazing written ever !
ReplyDeleteSo excited to join and try CCIP later on
Ocean Thanks to shared this ^^
Ocean thanks Setia
ReplyDeleteBagus banget kak,complete banget dan terstuktur.
ReplyDeleteSaya baca sebelumnya bahwa CCIP itu direkomendasikan untuk program yang berbeda dari jurusan kuliahnya. Namun saya sendiri baru lulusan SMA tahun ini kak. Kan kalau ditanya tentang jurusan hanya jurusan IPA yang tersedia (tidak seperti kuliah) lalu jika saya bekerja 1 tahun ke depan dan baru mengikuti CCIP tahun depan, apakah bisa ya kak? Karena jurusan SMA berbeda tipe dengan jurusan di universitas. Mohon sarannya kak :)
Halo Ziadah. Blog nya helpful bgt buat bikin kita ada bayangan soal program ini. Hehehe. Thank you so much for sharing and writing.
ReplyDeleteOh iya aku mau nanya deh, itu di form pendaftaran kan ada keterangan Track One Certificate, Track Two Non Certificate; itu kita yang memilih atau nanti AMINEF yang menentukan kita bisa ambil yang mana?
Nanti kita akan mempelajari semua area of concentration secara general dan menyeluruh atau kita hanya memilih satu konsentrasi saja?
Terimakasih untuk waktunya :)
thanks zi
ReplyDeleteoya zi aminef buka untuk yang tahun depan. aq baca di websitenya.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBoleh tau gk Kak kalo ikut CCI tinggalnya di mana?
ReplyDeleteTerus kegiatan ikut CCi apa aja?
Ada biaya yang ditanggung sendiri nggak?
Tahun ini saya mau daftar untuk jurusan media / hotel & tourism.
Hello Ziadah, salam kenal, aku kebetulan juga ambil program ini untuk tahun 2017, mau tanya untuk penulisan essay ini, kalau ada phrase yang sedikit salah grammatical nya, is it acceptable? Your response is very helpful. Thank you :)
ReplyDeleteIt's fine.....jangan khawatir Arya, all the best!
ReplyDeletePermisi kak, ini untuk pengisian form application nya harus ditulis tangan atau bisa diketik?
ReplyDeleteSelamat malam kak
ReplyDeleteSaya berniat mengikuti program ini
Jurusan saya pendidikan bahasa inggris
Apakah eligible jika saya mengambil jurusan early childhood
Terimkasih kak
Boleh banget Vilisya, goodluck yaaa
Deletehai :)
ReplyDeleteboleh saya tahu tahun kemaren yg lolos berapa dari berapa applicant? many thanks
Biasanya hanya 28 orangyang diambil, yang daftar di atas 500.
Delete28 orang itu dari tiap jurusan atau total? kalau 28 itu total, untuk per jurusannya diterima berapa?
DeleteHai kak ziad, tulisannya membantu sekali! Tadi saya ingin bertanya lewat inbox facebook, tetapi ketika saya search saya tidak menemukan nama "ziadah ziad" apakah kakak punya kontak lain yang bisa di hubungi? Terima kasih sebelumnya
ReplyDeleteThis is so helpful mbak zi! Thank you for sharing:)
ReplyDeletenice info mbak zii,,,, detail banget pemaparannya....
ReplyDeletemau tanya bak, disitu kan ada info tentang minimal pengalaman kerja 1 tahun, kalo misalnya kita pernah bekerja sebagai operator warnet 6 bulan, trus kerja jd kasir 4 bulan, apakah bisa disebut setahun mbak??? kebetulan, background knowledge saya S1 bahasa inggris, apakah eligible untuk dibidang Economic development?? terimakasih sebelumnya mbak, mohon infonya
ReplyDeleteGila, keren bangeut sumpah.. ikut berapi api bacanya.... a huge appreciation for u
ReplyDeleteSelalu bermanfaat yang dipost, inspiring banget!!
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