Elaq-Elaq Beach the Headland of Southwest Paradise

                              Tawun, Sekotong, West Lombok

Southwest is getting more famous each year. The road is getting much away better. I could see a number of hotels and villas were on construction. My mind headed me to the future. I could see the picture of my island in the next ten years. Will people be happier with the changes? This thought was distracted as a friend of mine pointed the place that we were up to.

Under the blue sunny sky, the sand were shining, revealed its white glitter. The degradation was obviously seen from the darkest blue to the turquoise. I could look through the crystal clear water and sea the beautiful life underneath. The beach is shaped in banana line on a headland. In front, a bulge of Gili Genting which around 100 meters high looked brown with its shaggy tall bushes. It was high tide but the sea between the beach and Gili Genting was still quite shallow. Without hesitation I walked through the so called strait until I found myself across, sitting on the rock right in front of the small hill. I took out my water bottle, sipped it as much as I could. I didn’t go up to the peak because the heat seemed take all of energy I had. I sat down quite awhile; enjoy the beauty of Elaq-Elaq Beach from afar. This beautiful beach was totally empty. It is mostly crowded only on Sunday and on public holiday.The word Elaq-Elaq is derived from Sasak which means tongue. This name is in line with the shape of the headland that hosted Elaq-Elaq beach. 

This beach is located in Tawun, Sekotong, West Lombok regency which is only about one hour from Mataram. To reach it, it is suggested to travel by private transportation. Public transportation is mostly available only from Mataram to Lembar. Meanwhile from Lembar to Sekotong taxi or ojek are the only options. 


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